Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One Year Later...

I have officially neglected this blog. That's probably not a big deal...I don't think anyone read it anyway. But, just in case there is some interested person out there, I think I'll take it up again!

The first thing we need to do is catch up on a few things! Here is a quick re-cap of the major highlights of the last year!

June 10-12, 2010 - We took a trip to Gothenburg, Sweden! It was a super fun trip despite the dreary weather. Highlight of the trip: we found the most amazing candy store ever! The smell...it was...heavenly!

June 24-27, 2010 - Regan's work put together an amazing camping/white water rafting trip to Austria!! It was...mind blowing! Austria is amazing.

July 05, 2010 - we took our first trip to Bernkastel-Kues with the Ta's and Hooten's! We didn't stay long, but had some awesome pizza!

July 21, 2010 - For my 26th B-day, my wonderful husband surprised me with a quick trip over to Hombourg-Hout. We had quite the adventure trying to order dinner in French!

July 23-25, 2010 - As a joint celebration for my and Beth's b-day, we went camping GERMAN STYLE (meaning your tent is about 1/2 foot away from your neighbor haha).

July 31, 2010 - My friend Tina took Regan and I to Germany's largest waterfall! It was...not really all that large haha. We had a great time hiking around, though, and I had the best Doner Kebab ever!

August 6-11, 2010 - My favorite brother came to visit us and we took a trip to Poland!! It was amazing and so fun! We visited places from my brother's mission, ate so much amazing Polish food, and went swimming in the Baltic Sea!

August 13-17, 2010 - I went to Bath, UK with my friend Beth! I got to meet my hero, GARTH NIX and had a ton of Jane Austen related experiences! And we saw Stone Henge! It was such a great trip!

August 19-23, 2010 - My brother and his friends came back from Poland and we toured Bavaria! The boys had such lovely haircuts haha.

September 4, 2010 - We went back to Bernkastel-Kues with some friends for the wine fest! Of course, we didn't have any wine. I did, however, get a Hello Kitty balloon, some flashing bunny ears, and see an AMAZING fireworks display! Success!

October 14, 2010 - Regan had a lovely 33rd Birthday!

October 29-30, 2010 - For our 2 year anniversary, we took an over-night trip to Switzerland! We were able to visit the Bern temple, which was beautiful, and stay in the Jungrau area, which is also beautiful!

November 20, 2010 - We visited Bernkastel-Kues yet again for the Christmas market! I ate so much food!

November 27-December 03, 2010 - The biggest news of the past year was that Regan and I were able to visit Vladivostok, Russia and meet our SON! I am not allowed to post his picture until the adoption is final, but you can be assured that he is ADORABLE!

December 11, 2010 - We visited the Mannheim Christmas Market with my friend Tina, her boyfriend, and our friends the Ta's! Once again, tons of amazing food was consumed!

March 12, 2011 - A spring-time trip to Heidelberg! We hiked around and had some amazing asian food!

March 17-19, 2011 - We took a trip to Tuscany in Italy! The leaning tower of Pisa is really weird looking in person...

April 01, 2011 - We went with our friends the Ta's to Chochen castle! I'd love to go back when it's sunny and blooming. We chose a somewhat dreary day.

And there you have it! A brief re-cap!

Hopefully it won't be another year before I update this blog again! I'd like to get back into weekly updates, but we'll see.