Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ready For Some Summer Adventure!

Oh hi. I kind of...forgot about this blog again. I won't bother backtracking or anything. We've had a fun couple of months: went to Spain, visited an amusement park in Germany called Holiday Park, and took a Rhein River cruise. Other than that, it's been a pretty quiet summer so far. At least, quiet in comparison to years past. 

That will all change next week, though! We're going on our MONTH-LONG SUMMER EXTRAVAGANZAAAA!! I feel like the list of things I need to get done before we go is about 10x longer than it should be, but oh well. I'll get it done somehow =P I always do!

I just wanted to post something while I was thinking about it - hopefully this will become a regular thing again!! 

And now a random picture of Sasha walking down the street...