Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter and the Temple!

Two weeks ago, for my Harvey Bloodline video, I showed Sasha and I making these lovely paper plate bunny face things. Here's a better picture of them than what you probably saw in the video:

Sasha's is a bit abstract, I think.

We had a great Easter. A bunch of Regan's co-workers got together last Sunday evening for a 'brunch-for-dinner' potluck event! I brought peanut butter sticky buns (which were absolute heaven! SO GOOD!!!), bacon, and I made eggs Benedict there (since that's not really a 'make ahead' type of meal). There was SO MUCH food. I don't think I've been that full for a long time. Very uncomfortable...but very delicious. And seriously, those peanut butter sticky buns were just...amazing. SO amazing. I ate so many!

This past week was rather uneventful, besides the usual story time and a couple of play dates. We were able to go to the Frankfurt temple this weekend, though, which was a lot of fun. We drove up Friday and stayed in the lodging on the temple grounds. We checked in and then went out for some Thai/Chinese/Japanese/Asian food (they had pretty much every country in Asia on the sign, so I don't know what they really identified as) and it was SO good. I had a massive pile of fried glass noodles with chicken. mmmmm my fave. It was really cheap, too! After that, I went to the 7 PM session at the  temple. Regan got up the next morning and went to the 9 AM session. His was in English, too! Lucky duck! I haven't gone through a session without headphones since my brother's wedding over a year ago! The headphones are now a normal part of my temple clothing haha. 

This weekend is also General Conference, but being in Germany, the times are all weird. The Saturday morning session comes on at 6 PM, for example. Regan went to the Priesthood session this morning at 11, and then we watched the Saturday morning session. So far that's all I've seen. BOO!!! But with the weird times, it's just hard to watch them as they air live! I'll catch up during the week, though, so it's ok. That's how we usually do it anyway. 

Well, it's after 11 and I am trying to go to bed earlier. 10:30 was my goal...but this is a start! At least it's not midnight yet.


  1. That is so funny that you guys do a two day temple trip because that is how Ike and I do it too! How far is the Frankfort temple for you guys? We live 2 1/2 hours from the Winter Quarters temple so it is usually a two day trip for us. So cool that you have lodging right on temple grounds. Also, you should post the recipe for those sticky buns!!!

    1. The Frankfurt temple is about 1.5 hrs away, so it's not TOO bad. It's just easier with Sasha if we do an over-night. And since the lodging is so cheap (like, 30$), it's not a big deal =P I'll post the recipe...if I remember XD haha. If I forget, then I can just send you the links on pinterest or something (That's where I got it).
